A Forum Away From Social Media

I went through a bunch of social media apps to looking to make posts. Reddit is the only good one left because it’s well-structured and moderated but you can’t just post anything and that’s part of the point.


Twitter actually isn’t that bad. If you could make your post longer. And it wasn’t owned by Elon Musk. The ads on there really aren’t that bad. You can follow just positive people and interact with them. And already did that today. Commented on a comic book creators post and he liked it. Not that that means anything, you just means you’re kind of interacting. I guess it does probably fill some validation, but it’s more that like what you’re putting out there someone is seeing. Whether they like it or not someone saw it.


So that’s what I was looking for a social media site that people would be on and post things. Tumblr Isn’t terrible. But again, on there you can’t seem to filter your feed and find people easily as you can other sites. And that brings us back to Facebook. Facebook just has too many ads. And while you probably could get your feed eventually to the point where it’s only showing posts you want. You literally have to go through and individually select a post from every person/page on your feed to unfollow them. And if you have hundreds of friends on there. I mean really more just acquaintances. That could take forever. And then you have not just sponsored content, but suggested content which must be promoted by Facebook Also videos were automatically playing, which is awful. But the sites layout is good, and if you could get just the feed you want and with less ads, that wouldn’t be a bad place. Instagram there’s too many ads, it’s mainly for pictures, and the layout is just all over the place.


I just didn’t don’t want to get sucked back into like, Twitter, as the time suck. My therapist said that studies say more than 30 minutes on social media is kind of the limit. So I even could put a limit on my the Twitter app I just have to go through like an unfollow all political figures and people posts political stuff. I’ll still follow the New York Times. Again, it’s owned by Elon Musk. But I like getting involved, there are good interactions on there. I could also be more interactive on Reddit



And that brings me back to, where if I can, getting people to occasionally go on my forum and if I update that blog on a relatively regular basis. Then I think that might work because I just I can’t find anything where I could have long discussions besides e-mail.

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